About us

AirTramsClub is a mini-website that wants to bring interesting, good quality news with videos and explanations.
The AirTramsClub "team" is made up of a family with a child who is extremely passionate about airplanes and trams. Actually, that's why I made the website :)
My family has supported me and continues to support me in my passion, which is why I consider them part of the AirTramsClub team.
If you're wondering where I learned how to make websites? Simple. There had been an ad on Facebook that read, "We teach you to make amazing websites without knowledge." That site was called CodeBerry School. Si asa in 3 luni (adica din 20 martie 2020 pana in 20 iunie 2020) am invatat sa fac site-uri web uimitoare. Intr-adevar. Si din 20 iunie pana in 4 iulie 2020 am lucrat din greu sa termin acest site web. Si chiar am terminat:). In 5 iulie 2020 website-ul AirTramsClub a fost publicat pe internet.